Townsville Billboard Advertising

Ladies in Business Townsville Member: Alana Wilson-Blyth

Alana Blyth Townsville Billboard Advertising

Townsville Billboard Advertising is the second biggest digital screen in North Qld.

We offer no contracts to 12month contracts depending on your needs.

We are privately owned so we don’t answer to anyone. You are welcome to change your ad to support your upcoming promotions.

We also offer classified ads so wish someone a happy birthday, a proposal, need new staff? 

Come and have a chat - this is your sign 😉

Specialising in Billboard advertisement, digital, classifies, open contracts and availability to change your ad

Alana's Details:

Address: 940 Ingham Road, Bohle 4818, Queensland

Phone: 0400 017 028


Ladies in Business Townsville member: Alana Wilson-Blyth

Facebook profile: Townsville Billboard Advertising

Instagram profile: @townsvillebillboardadvertising
